Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hurricane Day Observation from a Working Mommy!

As a mommy who typically works away from our home with the twins in preschool 5 days a week I don’t regularly get to spend a day alone with them at home. Today we have the joys of a Hurricane Day, equivalent of a Florida Snow Day. We can’t really go out and have fun since its rainy, high winds, flooded streets, possibility of power outages, etc. So what do you do with 3 year olds all day? In our house we spend the day in our pajamas, watching movies, playing games and cooking. I thought I’d share some observations and questions that came to mind on this gloomy day. 

1. I think we have MESSY ELVES! I clean up a room only to find it destroyed the next time I enter. For instance, I go into the girl’s room, made beds, put away books, shoes, hair clips, etc. went into another room to throw out a broken barrette only to return to hair clips all over the floor. How does that even happen that quickly?

2.       How can a little person eat and drink so much. It’s not quite 1pm and Emma has already had a waffle, 3 cups of milk, grapes, gummies, bacon and she’s tiny, where does it all go? Which brings me to #3. 

3. TMI - My kids seem to poop a lot, do they go this much at school or just at home? If they only go this much at home are they holding it all day, that doesn’t sound healthy? With all the pooping this morning we’ve gone through an entire pack of big kid wipes (toilet paper was just not enough).

4.       At 3 my girls like to exercise a lot of independence but only when they really want to.
Ava with her big blue eyes, “Mommy will you get me some milk?”
Me, “Baby it right there on the table”
“But I can’t reach it,” her cup is just past her reach from the couch.
Of course I get it for her because I’m up anyway.

      5.       There is only so much Disney Junior a grown women should be subjected to. I like Disney movies and shows just as much as any other adult, but SERIOUSLY! 
      6.       I don’t know how stay at home mom’s do it. Lots of playdates and activities I suppose. I certainly couldn’t be at home every day without going nuts! Props to those mommas and daddy’s who can.

Anyone else being affected by the storm, stay safe.