Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My first official 10K

Actively running in my first 10K. This was taken at about 5.5 mile mark by Teresa Hair my wonderful cheerleader for this run.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Gluten Free

I have a good friend who has a resolution for each month in 2014, lose 10 lbs, tell a friend/family member each day why their important, etc. This month it is to live the Gluten Free life. Initially I thought this would be nearly impossible, then she was running through what she can have that is gluten free and so much of it is stuff I consume and just didn't even realize was. Tuna, peanut butter, fruit, vedgies and meat of course, sea food, milk, water.... Anyway, I thought, "I can do this". So I started yesterday and was off to a great start, gluten free all day. Just realized on day 2, I had a Special K Pastry Crisp as a snack today... SO NOT GLUTEN FREE. Well, I'll keep trying :)

I did find a helpful site,

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


OK, I had a blog at one time...years ago. Anyway I have more to share so here it goes... Let me start by introducing myself, Kelly, wife, mother of twins, Executive, who enjoys running, dance (not that I have any rhythm),art, I love ART, painting, photography, cooking (I consider that creative expression). Running is my newest interest. After having my girls who are currently 19 months old I felt frumpy, unattractive, overweight, etc. I've never been a size 2 but figured I need to get out there to feel better about myself. Working out is a great stress reliever, trust me, you should try it. Prior to my pregnancy I was active, trying to lose some weight (seems to be a constant battle), trying to eat right including using Body by Vi (I'll share more about this later), and overall taking good care of myself.... Well, you know how it goes, you get pregnant and eat everything in sight. I gained 40 pounds while pregnant. I realize that doesn't sound like much for someone pregnant with twins but my girls were only 4 and 4 1/2 pounds (equivalent of one 8 1/2 lb kid). I saw a picture of myself and was completely disgusted, how did I get to this point. At that point I started back on my Body bi Vi shakes, eating high protein meals and soon joined a new gym, You Fit (which is like the no-nonsense of gyms). Quickly I dropped the baby weight and officially back to my pre-baby bod.

Well I wanted more, I started on this journey to eating better, exercise, etc. really not a journey but a lifetime... After exhaustive efforts to lose some more weight and tone I'm about 16 pounds lighter than my pre-baby weight. I've hit a plateau, it happens. So I've taken up a new exercise hobby, running. I know what your thinking, I hate Running!, It's so boring!, I only run if someone's chasing me!, etc. So much more fun with a group. Started out with an app at the gym, on the treadmill in June and yes it was really boring but I stuck it out. Just could not get over the 30 minute hurdle, when you're on a piece of cardio equipment for 30 minutes and you just can't take it anymore, you are so over the repetitive motion and boring scenery. I've joined my local running club, Suncoast Striders. Quite a cool concept, people enjoying running get together a few times a week, mostly organized online, some people donate for water, snack, etc. for the after run social gathering. I'm enjoying it and I have a new outlet for all that stress!